
1、A round of bright moon hangs at high altitude, and my companion misses sending it home; Looking at the distant land of hometown at night, my parents are lovesick and bitter!

2、The Mid-Autumn Festival is full, and friends are lines; With a gentle pull, friendship blooms; Full of flowers, carefree; Flowers are gorgeous, everything goes well! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, my good friend!

3、A person's Mid-Autumn Festival is actually far sadder than a person's Valentine's Day. Knowing that you won't be lonely in the distance, I gave you this blessing message. Remember to forward it, so that all people can stay away from that kind of sadness and feel warm!


5、Round moon cakes contain deep thoughts, which implicate you and me; The short message contains many wishes, which bless you and me. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you a full moon, a reunion and happiness forever!

6、But looking up, it disappeared. What can be seen is the high-rise building, which is prosperous. What can be seen is only a small part of the sky.

7、The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. May your wallet be full and smooth. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

8、On this special day, send you a faint fragrance and a free and colorful blessing!


10、The moon is priceless, but the mountains are full of affection. May your life be as round and full as the fifteenth moon!

11、At this time, when is the full moon, and there is no trace of it. On the autumn day of August 15th, I feel lonely for my cold autumn.

12、Pack a bag of sunshine, two sea breezes, make a few pounds of homemade blessings, ask people to go to the ends of the earth to bring back happiness and romance, and bury a little care from the depths of the soul, and give it to you as a gift. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

13、Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Festival, homesickness, family reunion, but separation, return to Xi Xi, my heart is at home.

14、月圆家圆钱包圆人别圆!心顺情顺工作顺天天顺!祝中秋快乐,万事如意,合家团圆美满!有空请我吃饭哦! 在人月两团圆,普天同庆的日子愿你:举头见帅哥!低头搂美女,随心所遇!花好月圆情更xxx圆xxx!


16、The letter is short and the words are long. I only wish my friends more well-being, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family reunion.

17、The full moon hangs high on the horizon, with shadows among the treetops. The Mid-Autumn Festival is like a bucket, throwing silver cream into the world. Dare to ask Chang 'e to send me my love, dare to send WU GANG to tell me. The sound of blessing never stops. May you be happy and always sweet.

18、Flowers can't bloom in advance before the season arrives; The moon can't shine in advance until the night arrives; When the time is not up, you can't run away from work in advance; Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, blessings can be sent in advance: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, happy family!


20、Look up at the bright moon and meditate on the right person. If you accompany me, you will have no regrets in your life! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

21、I hope the moon will always be round and you will always be happy from today! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


23、Chang 'e: Sprinkle the moonlight on you, making you extremely beautiful; SMS: Sending blessings to your pillow will make you happy; Me: I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, with good things and good dreams.

24、I wish you good luck every day, more joy and less sorrow. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!




28、What comes quietly for you is good luck; What is quietly open for you is happiness; What silently wishes for you is happiness; What I pray deeply for you is peace; I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance!


30、If you can't see the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival, don't be surprised, because xxxthe moon represents my heartxxx and it is in my heart. I have woven every ray of moonlight into this short message and sent it to you. I wish you happiness!

31、You in the distance, happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! If there is anything to celebrate, it must be reunion; If there is anything to be thankful for, it is peace.

32、The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming again in a year. Being far away from home, I have only one belief in my heart-I wish my relatives at home happiness and health forever!

33、In the Mid-Autumn Festival, snuff is swaying lanterns. The moon is bright and bright, and the festival is beautiful and beautiful.

34、From the month to the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Buddha shines on my heart. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

35、I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, a happy family and good luck.

36、The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. I miss the moon, and I feel anxious for reunion. I also want to eat moon cakes. I wish you a happy month in the Mid-Autumn Festival, and a happy month in the month!


38、Get up early and say hello. I can't go anywhere in the Mid-Autumn Festival. My heart is full of worries for you. There are many things I want to say: remember to go out safely, eat and drink as little as possible, and pay attention to a good rest spirit. Don't disappoint my kindness to you.

39、Since I never believe that the moonlight in Mid-Autumn Festival is more beautiful than usual, why do I feel lost at the moment?


41、It's my pleasure to meet you. Mid-Autumn Festival, when the moon is round and the flowers are fragrant, I wish all my dreams come true and my family is healthy.


43、Make a good wish, wish you everything round, pass a short blessing, and wish you a sweet smile. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

44、Mid-Autumn Festival, just to meet you.

45、Every time you miss your family, you offer your love to your post. At this time, I do my filial piety for my elders.

46、Send you a round blessing, with sincerity as the center and friendship as the center. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

47、I wish you: beautiful face, sweet smile, perfect love, and dazzling stars holding the moon.

48、I wish my friends and family, and wish you happiness and well-being.

49、I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, a full moon and a reunion of everything. Everything goes well with people. Wish the whole family happiness.

50、the festive season is approaching, sincerely wish the new and old customers a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

51、Friend, no matter where you are now, be sure to see the long-forgotten moon tonight. Make a wish and it will probably come true! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

52、I wish you a happy family, Pepsi, beautiful life and sweeter than honey!

53、I wish my dear friends a happy life and a prosperous Mid-Autumn Festival.


55、Chinese people have always valued family reunion, family reunion and family happiness. It's said that every festive season, especially the Mid-Autumn Festival, which symbolizes reunion and happiness.

56、The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and people are busy again, buying moon cakes and giving gifts to family and friends, with their most sincere blessings.

57、While enjoying the moon to the fullest, family members can't help thinking of wanderers in a foreign land, and wanderers in a foreign land can't help thinking of their family members.


59、The Mid-Autumn Festival gives you six hearts. Life is very happy, work is very satisfactory, love is very comfortable, family is very satisfactory, friends are very intimate, and of course, my concern. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!




