
天天正能量网 工作总结 2023-05-26 07:01:20

智能汽车网联工作总结 第1篇

CFM:Copilot Fatigue Monitor,副驾驶疲劳监测

PFM:Passenger Fatigue Monitor,乘客疲劳监测

DFM:Driver Fatigue Monitor,驾驶员疲劳监测

DMS:Driver Monitoring System,驾驶员监控系统

DHOD:Driver Hand Off Detection,驾驶员脱手检测

LBM:Living Body Monitoring:活体检测

CM:Child Monitoring:儿童检测

AVM:Around View Monitoring,环视监控系统

GM:Guard Mode,哨兵模式

VSM:Vehicle Sentry Mode,哨兵模式

AR-HUD:Augmented Reality Head Up Display,增强抬头显示

DVR:Digital Video Recorder,行车记录仪

HUD:Head Up Display,抬头显示

NVS:Night Vision System,夜视显示系统

PDR:360 Panoramic Driving Recorder,360全景行车记录仪

SMRM:Streaming Media Rearview Mirror,流媒体后视镜

VBC:Vehicle Backup Camera,倒车影像

VAS:Vehicle Assistant System,车载助手系统

VNS:Voice Navigation System,语音导航系统

DCCS:Driver Central Control Screen,驾驶中控屏

CCS:Central Control Screen,中控屏

DDB:Digital Dashboard,数字仪表盘

BDK:Bluetooth Digital Key,蓝牙数字钥匙

NFCK:Near Field Communication,NFC钥匙

ADB:Adaptive Driving Beam,自适应远光灯

AFS:Adaptive Front Light Sytsem,自适应前照灯

HBA:High Beam System,智能自动远近光灯

IAL:Intelligent Atmosphere Lamp,智能氛围灯



AAC:Adaptive Air Conditioning,自适应空调



ASD:Automatic Sensor Door,智能感应门

ATD:Automatic Trunk Door,智能后备箱门

PTG:Power Tail Gate:电动尾门

HDK:Hidden Doorknob:隐藏式门把手

AAS:Automatic Adjusting Seat,自动调节座椅

AHS:Automatic Heating Seat,自动加热座椅

ASM:Automatic Seat Massage,自动座椅按摩

SBPT:Seat belt pre-tightening,安全带预紧

ASW:Adaptive Sensor Window,自适应感应车窗

AWW:Automatic Window Wiper,自动车窗雨刷

IIS:Intelligent Induction Sunroof,智能感应天窗

IWS:Intelligent Windshield,智能挡风玻璃



智能汽车网联工作总结 第2篇

ANP:Apollo Navigation Pilot,阿波罗导航自动驾驶,百度

NGP:Navigation Guided Pilot,导航辅助驾驶,小鹏

CNGP:Cityroad Navigation Guided Pilot,城市导航辅助驾驶,小鹏

NOH:Navigation on HIPilot,智慧领航辅助驾驶系统,毫末

FSD:Full Self-Drive,完全自动驾驶,特斯拉

NOA:Navigate on Autopilot,导航自动驾驶,特斯拉

NDA:Navigated Driving Assist,导航辅助驾驶系统,埃安

NNP:NETA PILOT,高速领航辅助,哪吒

H-INP:Highway Idriver Navigate Pilot,高速领航辅助驾驶,智行者

HNP:Hyperview Navigation Pilot,行泊车一体智能领航辅助驾驶,宏景

HNP:Hongjing Navigate Pilot ,宏景导航辅助驾驶,宏景

NOP:Navigate on Pilot,导航辅助驾驶,蔚来

NOP+:Navigate on Pilot Plus,高阶导航辅助驾驶,蔚来

NAD:NIO Autonomous Driving,蔚来自动驾驶,蔚来

ADS:Autonomous Driving Solution,华为自动驾驶解决方案,华为

NCA:Navigation Cruise Assist,城市智能导航辅助系统,华为-极狐

ICA:Integrated Cruise Assist,智能巡航辅助,华为

ICA+:Integrated Cruise Assist Plus,高阶智能巡航辅助,华为

AEB:Autonomous Emergency Braking,自动紧急制动

BSD:Blind Spot Detection Reminder,盲区检测提醒

DOW:Door Open Warning,开门预警

FCTA:Front Cross Traffic Alert,前向横穿预警

FCW:Forward Collision Warning,前向碰撞预警

LDW:Lane Departure Warning,车道偏离预警

PCW:Pedestrian Collision Warning,行人碰撞及提醒

RCTA:Rear Cross Traffic Alert,后向横穿预警

RCW:Rear Collision Warning,后方碰撞预警

SLSR:Speed Limit Sign Reminder,限速标志提醒

Safety Belt:安全带

Safety Airbag:安全气囊

Curtain Airbag:侧气帘

HNP:Highway Navigation Pilot,高速领航自动驾驶

HWA:High Way Assistant,高速辅助

TJA:Traffic Jam Assiant,交通拥堵辅助

TJP:Traffic Jam Pilot,交通拥堵自动驾驶

AOV:Automatic Obstacle Avoidance,自动避障

Automatic Antelope Avoidance:羚羊避险

CCS:Cruise Control System,定速巡航系统

ACC:Adaptive Cruise Control,自适应巡航控制

IACC:Integrated Adaptive Cruise Control,智能自适应巡航控制

SGW:Starting Prompt Waring,前车起步提醒

ALC:Automotive Lane Change,自动变道

ELC:Efficiency Lane Change,效率变道

ILC:Driver Instruction Lane Change,驾驶员指令变道

LCC:Lane Centering Control,车道居中控制

LKA:Lane Keeping Aid,车道保持辅助

LCA:Line Change Assistant,车道变道辅助

TLR:Traffic Light Reminder,交通信号灯提醒

TSR:Traffic Sign Reminder,交通标志提醒

OFJC:On Off Junction Crossroads,进出十字路口

OFJL:On Off Junction of L,进出L型路口

OFFJ:On Off Junction of Quintuple,进出五叉路口

OFJS:On Off Junction of Sixfold,进出六岔路口

OFJU:On Off Junction of U,进出U型路口

OFJL:On Off Junction of X,进出X型路口

OFJY:On Off Junction of Y,进出Y型路口

ICRA:Interchange Road Assiant,立交辅助

ISRA:Island Round Assiant,环岛辅助

RRA:Ramp Road Assiant,匝道辅助

SRA:Slope Road Assiant,坡道辅助

NRA:Narrow Road Assiant,窄路辅助

JRA:Jolt Road Assiant,颠簸辅助

ATL:Automatic Turn Left,自动左转

ATR:AutomaticTurn Right,自动右转

AUTL:AutomaticU Turn Left,自动左转掉头

AUTR:AutomaticU Turn Right,自动右转掉头

SAD:Snow Assistant Driving,雪天辅助驾驶

FAD: Foggy Assistant Driving,雾天辅助驾驶

RAD: Rain Assistant Driving,雨天辅助驾驶

NAD: Night Assistant Driving,夜晚辅助驾驶









智能汽车网联工作总结 第3篇

APW:Automatic Parking Warehousing,自动停车入库

AOP:Automatic Offline Parking,自动下线停车

APA:Automatic Parking Assist,自动泊车辅助

AVP:Automatic Valet Parking,自动代客泊车


HPP:Home Parking Pilot ,记忆泊车


RPA:Remote Parking Assist,远程控制泊车

ALP:Automatic Lot Parking,车位自动泊车

Vehicle Calling Function,车辆召唤功能

ESAP:换电站泊车,Exchange Station Automatic Parking

CSAP:充电站泊车,Charging Station Automatic Parking

CPAP:充电桩泊车,Charging Pile Automatic Parking

GSAP:加油站泊车,Gas Station Automatic Parking

TSAP:收费站泊车,Toll Station Automatic Parking

Automatic Beltline Parking,车辆自动下线入库



智能汽车网联工作总结 第1篇CFM:Copilot Fatigue Monitor,副驾驶疲劳监测PFM:Passenger Fatigue Monitor,乘客疲劳监测DFM:Driver Fatigue Monitor,驾驶员疲劳监测DMS:Driver Monitoring System,驾驶员监控系统DHOD:......