将来时十个句子 精选34句

1. I'm going to buy a flower to send to my GF.

2. I'll be a teacher.

3. I will come back to school in September.

4. I shall * football.

5. They will be meeting us at the station.

6. 肯定句:主语 + shall/will + be + 现在分词 + 其他;

7. Will you be using your bicycle this evening?

8. She is going to watch TV.

9. What will you be doing at 6 tomorrow?

10. Where will you * basketball next time?

11. She is going to visit the place she dreams to go in childhood.

12. I'll be taking a shower at 9 the day after tomorrow.

13. Professor Wang will give us a presentation later.

14. What will happen in the following week?

15. England will * against France tomorrow.

16. going to表示意图。例如: If you are going to go to the cinema this evening , youd better take your coat with you. 你若今晚去看电影,最好带着外套。 be going to也常可以用于主句之中。例如: If you invite Jack, theres going to be trouble. 如果你邀请杰克,那就要惹麻烦了。 如果表示将来的意愿,will可用于条件从句。此时will为情态动词。例如: If you will learn to play football, Ill help you

17. It is going to rain.

18. The keys will be taken away.

19. I will go to school tomorrow.

20. going to/will rain this evening. 我认为今晚要下雨。 注意:(1)be going to和will在含义和用法上略有不同。be going to往往表示事先经过考虑的打算;will多表示意愿、决心。两者有时不能互换。例如: He is studying hard and is going to try for the exams. 他正努力学习,准备参加考试。(不能用will替换) Can somebody help me? 谁能帮我一下吗? I will. 我来。(不能用be going to替换) (2)在if之后,通常不用will表示预言,但可以用be

21. He's going to be a teacher.

22. She is to go to see his two-year old consin.

23. 一般疑问句:Shall/Will + 主语 + be + 现在分词 + 其他;

24. 我希望你假日愉快。 I hope he comes (will come). 我希望他会来。 be going to句型 “be going to+动词原形”表示将要发生的事,或打算、计划、决定要做某事。常与表示将来的时间连用。如:tomorrow, tomorrow morning / afternoon / evening, this evening, next week / month / year等。be是助动词,随着主语的人称和数的变化而变化。否定句在be后加not, 一般疑问句将be放句首大写。例如: I am going to have a swim tomorrow. 我打算

25. 肯定回答:Yes,主语 + shall/will;否定回答:No,主语 + shall/will + not;

26. I'll be doing homework this time tomorrow.

27. You will do some washing.

28. I'm going to visit my mother school.

29. You are going to read a book.

30. 特殊疑问句:疑问代词/疑问副词 + shall/will + 主语 + be + 现在分词 + 其他。

31. He'll be studying at school next year.

32. I will visit you next month.

33. He will buy a book.

34. Tom will come to my home at 3PM.

将来时十个句子 精选14句

1. It will be rainy.

2. I'll be taking my holiday soon.

3. Will you be busy working on your report this time tomorrow?

4. 否定句:主语 + shall/will + not + be + 现在分词 + 其他;

5. He is to go to park to h*e a rest.

6. I shall h*e lunch later.

7. 明天谁将要来这里? Who will come here tomorrow?

8. Who will come here tomorrow?

9. I'm to go to study English.

10. I took part in a dancing party yesterday.我昨天参加了一个舞会。

11. I will go to BeiJing tomorrow.

12. You will choose a better anwser.

13. What will you do tomorrow?

14. She will do a part-time job.
