
天天正能量网 作文大全 2023-12-01 22:02:16

大学目标英语作文100词 第1篇

Early in senior high school, we longed to be eolled in a university and dreamed of our college life.

In my dream, my school is just like a fairyland, my college life is rich and colorful, is full of challenge .I believe it has varieties of out-of-class activities and clubs which I can take part in after class to make my life more interesting and make more friends. Of course, living in a comfortable capacious student dormitory with my new classmates is one thing that I am keen to. In the meanwhile, I hope that we have a common interest, play together with, and enjoy the fun of our college life. Besides, I often imagine my college has a big library where collects many different kinds of books so that I can read what I like and get a wealth of knowledge as well.

From my point of view, great changes will happen between high school life and college life. At least, I am no longer in the same classroom. What’s more, college life,I think, is filled with much more freedom. In other words, I can have more time to do my own things. However, compared with high school life, I’m supposed to become more independent and more self-control to adapt to my college life.

All in all, I’m sure that my college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to improve my abilities.





大学目标英语作文100词 第2篇

University is a sacred temple for flying ideals and pursuing dreams. In my ideal, the university campus should be shaded by green trees, and the ivory tower in my dream should be like the paradise described by Tao Yuanming. The word university is sacred and mysterious in the minds of all high school students. For me, the same applies. From childhood to adulthood, from kindergarten to junior high school, entering my ideal university is a beautiful dream that I have been striving for.

The ideal university is filled with a strong learning atmosphere and laughter. This is an ocean of green trees and flowers, which makes one intoxicated and unable to extricate oneself. Walking on campus in summer, stepping on the green grass as black as jade, breathing in the air with the smell of soil, and hearing the clear birdsong from time to time, it is really a beautiful enjoyment! In autumn, walking under the wutong, stepping on the fluffy leaves, making a creaking sound; Occasionally, swaying fallen leaves fall from the trees

The ideal life in college is beautiful. University is a small society, and in an ideal university, we can accumulate rich experience. The ideal university can help me grow strong, make me proud in the year I graduate, and know where to continue. When I look back four years later, I can proudly say that I have learned a lot, and I cannot bear to leave. I want to be good friends with my good friends in the university for a lifetime. University is perfect in everyones eyes, it allows us to fully showcase ourselves, and it can cultivate our self-reliance ability, To lay the foundation for our future career and life.


理想中的大学到处是浓厚的学习氛围和欢声笑语。这里是绿树与鲜花的海洋,令人陶醉其中不能自拔。夏天走在校园里, 踩着绿的如黛玉色的青草,呼进带着泥土味道的'空气,耳边不时有清脆的鸟鸣,真是美的享受!秋日里,走在梧桐树下,踩着蓬松的落叶,发出嘎吱嘎吱的响声;不时还会有摇摇欲坠的落叶从树上落下


大学目标英语作文100词 第3篇

As soon as school started, many postcards from world-renowned universities were hung on the walls of our class. The classmates discussed the postcard for a long time, talking about their ideal university. I chose the _University of Manchester_ because I think it is the most attractive university.

After returning home, I told my mother about the university I chose, After listening, my mother said, _This university is great! Manchester University has won Nobel Prizes multiple times._ My mother asked, _Why did you choose this school? What is your ideal?_ I said, _The photos of this school are the most attractive to me, but my ideal is to be a veterinarian! Because I like small animals, I see them injured, and I think they are very pitiful. So I want to be a veterinarian to help them relieve their pain My mother said with some regret, _Unfortunately, the Manchester University you chose has the best business school._ I was very disappointed to hear that.

I asked my mother to search online where the best veterinary school is, and we found that the University of California, Davis is the number one veterinary school in the world. Its veterinary college is the largest in the United States, focusing on the health of all animals. In fact, it is also the first university in the world to offer a masters degree in preventive veterinary medicine.

I want to make the University of California, Davis my goal! I will work towards my goal!





大学目标英语作文100词 第4篇

The word university is sacred and mysterious in the hearts of all students. For me, the same applies. From childhood to adulthood, from kindergarten to primary school, from primary to secondary school, from secondary to high school, and finally, from high school to university. This long learning career is all about preparing to enter the ideal university. Getting into an ideal university is my dream wish.

University is a sacred temple where dreams are set free and ideals are pursued. Countless students spread their wings and soar freely from the palace of university, and countless dreams bloom from here to the world.

The university in my heart should be shaded by green trees, with fragrant flowers and occasional bird calls. What a pleasant school life! The curved school road is covered with smooth stone eggs. In summer, when I step on it, a cool feeling comes from my feet, like a refreshing breeze brushing my heart. When stepping on it in winter, there will be a warm and refreshing spring spreading from the sole of the shoe to the whole body. Its really warm in winter and cool in summer! Green trees are pulling out irregularly from the ground, and you should not be surprised to see such a scene, because it was planted in the soil together by all the teachers and students of the school. From a distance, irregular trees paired with curved paths give off a unique flavor.

The university in my heart should have a strong learning atmosphere, where students can be seen reading, participating in activities, and exercising everywhere in the school. Occasionally, a burst of singing can be heard, as if adding a strong color to this picture. Busy and fulfilling academic pursuits do not feel bored at all, but rather joyful. Concentrate on listening during class and take notes when its time to take notes. When there is no class, walk around this beautiful school with roommates or friends, such as listening to a song on the lawn, enjoying the cool under the tree, taking a nap in a quiet place... How comfortable! Oh, by the way. In university, you can also participate in various clubs, and as long as you want it, you will _respond to your needs_. In the club, activities and competitions can be held, which is very interesting!

The ideal life in college is beautiful. Universities can be seen as a small society, where accumulating various experiences is the most important. The ideal university can help me grow, make me feel proud in the year I graduate, and know where to continue. When I look back four years later, I can proudly say that I have learned a lot, and I cannot bear to leave. I want to be friends with my friends in university for a lifetime. University is perfect in every human heart, it allows us to fully showcase ourselves, it can cultivate our self-reliance ability, and lay the foundation for our future career and life.

This is my ideal university, and I want to spend my college life like this so that I wont regret it when I reminisce about the fleeting years in the future. After all, youth only comes once to everyone, and university also has only one precious time. For me now, my future college life is like a blank scroll, waiting for me to use my wisdom and hands to strive to depict it. Come on, only by studying hard can I realize my dream!







大学目标英语作文100词 第5篇

In my opinion, university life is about enjoying yourself and realizing your dreams.

The class timetable in the university is flexible, which gives students more free time. Some students spend it in the library, reading books. Their learning ambition is so high that they claim their seats as soon as the library doors open. But many prefer to relax doing something else, such as playing Gu-Zheng, an ancient Chinese musical instrument.

As we students are getting older we can start making our own decisions. With this right comes responsibility. Most of us take part-time jobs as tutors to earn some pocket money- a few capable students will gain enough money to be self-sufficient. By teaching we realize the challenge of making a living. Some of my friendscomplain about the workload, though they admit that teaching also makes them confident. As their students progress, the tutors feel happy too.

There are other exciting things going on at university. Love stories are an indispensable part of life on campus. Though it may cause both happiness and bitter feelings, many cant help looking for true love. . Personally, Im a big fan of Korean actors. Bae Yong Jun is a Korean movie star who Chinese girls are crazy about. At one point last winter, even the way Bae wore his scarves became a trend. I learned four ways of wearing my scarves! And of course I also copy his hairstyle. But to be honest, I have some difficulty getting my hair into the right shape... But for a university student, the most important thing should be studying. When I was a freshman, one of our tutors told us to make good use of the best teachers while at university. “Make sure that by the time you graduate, theres a big difference between you, and those who havent entered school yet,” he said. This piece of advice made a deep impression on me. Always keep studying!

To me, its simple. Life on campus is about finding ones priorities, and about being part of a group who work to achieve interesting and creative goals.






大学目标英语作文100词 第6篇

The college life I am looking forward to is a beautiful life of although I cannot, I aspire to it. My requirements for university have determined that I need to put in a lot of effort to live the wonderful life I am looking forward to, and how will I live each day? I often make the following expectations.

In order to deserve the college life I have finally achieved, I will continue the routine I used to before the college entrance examination. Every morning is still the best time of the day to recite the text. After completing the recitation in the textbook, I will continue to recite the good articles in our Chinese literary history that can touch peoples hearts. I will directly upgrade the phrase reading through thousands of volumes and writing like a god to endorsing through thousands of volumes and writing like a god, so as to ensure that my major in university can be guaranteed in writing.

After reciting the book, I will go to the cafeteria for breakfast and then go to the classroom to prepare to listen to the teachers lecture. Finally, I have worked hard to become a college student with a teacher teaching literature. I have to seriously attend every day and class, and then think about other things. Perhaps I will go to the library to continue reading in my spare time, or I will wander aimlessly through school or the streets, observing the people coming and going around me, and _incorporating_ all the people I see into my writing materials. Then, when I lie down to sleep at night, I will reminisce about these one by one.

Of course, this is still the entry-level aspect of my college life that I had hoped for, the upgraded version. It should be when I sit at my desk at the end of the day, holding my favorite pen, writing vigorously in my notebook, writing down all my thoughts and feelings, and what I have seen and heard throughout the day.

If I can continue to look forward to it, I hope I can have a like-minded friend, who agrees to love literature like me. We can sit together and chat about literature when we are not busy, yearning for a better future together.

The above are also the college life I am looking forward to. Perhaps not high profile, but it will definitely be exciting enough.







大学目标英语作文100词 第7篇

I once watched a movie named “Dead Poets Society” .Some words in it had left a deep impression on me, namely “seize the day”. Exactly, life is wonderful while time is fleeting. 3 month have passed since the day when I entered the college. This term will have ended by Janaury . So I need to seize each day of my college life.

To make full use of my college life and lead an ideal one, I shall design a blueprint of this period.

At the beginning of this semester ,my teacher asked we freshmen,“what’s the most important thing in college?” “Of course , it’s study.” I answered. As a student, I come to school to obtain knowledge, not for other purposes. I’ll set up my mind to learn my major well, ranking in front. Because I’m not good at math , I need to set aside some time to make up for it .I swear to myself :I must overcome the difficulty .In addition , since I have interest in English , I’d love to study English as my second major . And I’m aimed at getting a bachelor’s degree.

Important though study is ,it’s not the whole of my life .Time permitting , I definitely will participate in as many activities as possible .You know , the score doesn’t represent a person’s ability .By taking up various activities ,I can develop myself in more respects. Besides , I want to practice my drawing ability . It’s not only because my major is Architecture , but I also want my life artistic and poetic . WhenI’m idle, I can draw some pictures. It’s poetic, isn’t it?

While all these aren’t the most basic, we can do other things on condition that we have a healthy body . Health is to me what water is to fish . So I will take more exercise to build up a strong constitution .In my ideal life , when individual study is over , I will go to the playground , and jog for a few laps . Day by day , I will grow stronger , then I can be energetic enough to realize my dream.

All above is just about myself .But living in a society ,each person is a small unit, thousand of units consist of a group .He should make contributions to it, whether the contributions are great or little .So I hope to become an honorable communist as early as possible . I will stick to the principle required and do what I can to help others within my in all , I wish my college life could be arranged in good order .Not only can I learn well , but I can also have fun while increasing knowledge . In the ideal college life I assume, I can find a point to balance different relationships . I can handle everything confidently and without haste .I can live up to the expectation of the people who love me . So many I-cans , but I can’t take it for granted . After all , reality differs from dream . Anyway , I have faith in myself.

Mysterious life continuing , I will go on seeking for the fortune somewhere along the road , and let the dream of my college life come true .I will make my life spectacular!

Time flies , I will seize the day ! THANK YOU.









大学目标英语作文100词 第8篇

The heavy and busy high school career is coming to an end, and the pile of exam papers and exercise books has already overwhelmed me. Occasionally, when I have free time, I imagine what college is like. The sentence that teachers often say is: Once you go to college, you will be free, which gives us a greater longing for college.. What is my ideal university like?

My ideal university will no longer have the pressure of further education, and no more teachers will repeatedly say in their ears, What will you do if you dont get into college?? There will be no more nagging from parents, no more endless exam questions. In college, we can study our favorite courses, explore our future with classmates, and have a more independent life. In my ideal university, there would be spacious classrooms where everyone no longer had to cram together like a full room in high school; There is a library with a rich collection of books, where everyone can learn more extracurricular knowledge and enrich their experiences; There are various sports venues, wide football fields, fully equipped swimming pools, and of course, my favorite badminton stadium; In an ideal university, there is less busyness in high school and more time for friends to come to a beautiful corner of the campus together, chat with each other, and read their favorite books. There is no external thing that can disturb us.

What is the fact that there are many things I hope to see in my ideal university? Lets look forward to stepping into the university campus together.




大学目标英语作文100词 第9篇

In my mind, college life is a magnificent stage, with a spacious and bright side and a training room surrounded by mirrors, with excellent performances one after another. My college life in my mind is like being set off under a pair of red dance shoes.

My goal, my ideal is to be admitted to the dance department of Yuxi Normal University. In a spacious campus, I wear black dance clothes, dance pants, and carry these red dance shoes. My long hair is pulled up high, exuding an artistic atmosphere. Wearing it on campus is the most beautiful scene and lens of my university life. Although I shed countless sweats in the practice room, I think its also sweet because theres beautiful music playing in the bright practice room, practicing one by one, with a beautiful smile on my face. Beautiful figures are repeating groups of dance movements, and sweaty hair will become the most beautiful hairstyle. Thats the life in my mind - college life.

I also imagined the university homeroom teacher who hadnt seen me for a month, because I heard that all the homeroom teachers in the university are very skilled, and unless there are any important notices, they will not be visible. Thats easy, you dont have to always do _bad_ things, you can take care of yourself. The teachers who gave lectures all came into the classroom with their handouts and left with a picture of _Dragon Flying Wind Dance_ on the blackboard. Leave us biting our pens and frowning to drill and ask. But thats the most exciting thing, otherwise, like in high school, there will always be unfamiliar places like grilled meat.

Oh! By the way, one thing we cant help but think of is the dormitory closest to us, the university dormitory! It should be living in an apartment, just as good as at home, watching TV, and having a small balcony for one person, so you wont have to worry about drying some clothes like in high school.

In short, the university life in my mind is beautiful.






大学目标英语作文100词 第10篇

I still remember the day when i first came into the campus with aflame mood and now i have adjusted to the colorful college believe that almost every freshman has his own blueprint of the new college life. My college life can be described by three key words:knowledge,communication and health.

With reference to the knowledge,i plan to listen carefully in the class and spend most of my amateur time in the library. Maybe some people will think that it is unnecessary to spend too much time on study in the university but i don’t agree with think study is the main task for students even if you are a college student and it is the best time to develop the self-learning ability in the university.

In addition to the knowledge,i hope to acquire the strong social achieve the purpose, i decide to try to participate in some students’ i am a little shy,i will tell myself to be outgoing and believe there is a stage on which i can show myself. For students,a strong body is also very important,so the last keyword of my ideal college life is health. In order to build a strong body,i plan to get up early and do morning exercise every day. After dinner,i will take a walk to relax myself.

Above these all makes up my ideal college life and i believe that the real life is anything more than these .I am firmly convinced that i will live a meaningful college life if i follow my plan step by step.





大学目标英语作文100词 第11篇

Today I’d like to talk you my ideal university life.

In my view, college is a holy place that I had dreamed about it for a long time. it will be a palace where we can have a wonderful life and achieve our goals.

Being a university student, the most important thing should be will spend more time in the library, reading books. But study well is not enough. We are supposed to join some kinds of activities or have a part-time job , this can not only to improve our abilities but also prepare for entering the society.

Besides, an ideal college life also means making some true friends. I will find some friends who can share pains and happiness with. Entering the college I should learn to be more independent and face up to all challenges bravely. This can make me become mature both physically and mentally. In college life what really helps is hardships like failure. Some positive experiences are surely part of the ideal college life, but negative sides are not less necessary.

As a member of the hundreds of thousands university students, I don’t want to lead a nothing-special life. Therefore, Im supposed to have my own guideline: Make choices that lead to a clearer vision of who I am, what I can do, and how I may tap my potential.

That is my ideal university life.







大学目标英语作文100词 第12篇

I have always had a college dream, and therefore, I am always full of expectations for my college life.

In the college life I am looking forward to, I will make many good friends, all of whom are excellent. I heard people say that college life is very beautiful, half of the time is studying, and the other half belongs to oneself. In college life, we must cultivate the good habit of self-discipline, have a plan, and allocate each day to make it meaningful.

In college life, I will meet classmates from all over the world. I look forward to one day when everyone can sit together and talk about things in their respective hometowns. At that time, I would definitely open my mouth in surprise because I had not visited many places before, and I was curious about the scenery and landmarks of these places that my classmates talked about. Perhaps during this discussion between classmates, my longing for some scenic spots has once again increased.

I have four years of college life, and when the winter and summer break, I will definitely find some time to do volunteer work, participate in various communication activities, expand my horizons, and enhance my abilities. I will also use my own labor force to earn money and then visit some well-known scenic spots. The university life I am looking forward to must be fulfilling and interesting.

In my studies at school, I will definitely work hard and strive to obtain scholarships on campus. This money is also very important to me. After all, I hope that after going to college, I can rarely ask for money from my family. After all, I already have a certain ability to achieve some economic freedom.

I will also participate in some campus competitions, and listen to some of my older brothers and sisters who have gone to college at home. These competitions will set rewards, and most of them have high value. After registering to participate in these competitions, I will definitely gain a lot by fully dedicating myself to this competition.

I look forward to a fulfilling and interesting university life, and I also hope that my university life can help me learn a lot.








大学目标英语作文100词 第13篇

In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in activities, together with associations, means the appetizer. Some romances, of course, play the role as desserts. They are the 3 key elements for an ideal college life.

Those, however, are not what college life is all about. As we all know, college is wildly different from middle school. It connects not only adolescence to adulthood, but also the ivory tower to the real society. Therefore, the ideal college life is that I become matured both physically and mentally, and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time.

Under this circumstance, I never expect my college life to be too ideal, or you can call it too perfect. It is not realistic to make all things on my own way, with everyone liking me, winning the first prize all the time, and so on. Of course, I’d like to lead a carefree life. However, this does little good to my future. What really helps is hardships like failure, betrayal, and unjust treatment. Only after experiencing those can I know what society is like, and what life is like.

To conclude my speech, I wanna say, some positive experiences are surely part of the ideal college life. But, I should not forget about the negative sides. They are not less necessary.





大学目标英语作文100词 第14篇

My current grades are not very optimistic, and my classmates all say that I am a boy who loves fantasy. I dont know if my intelligence is lower than others, or if Im more fun. Actually, its not unreasonable to say that Im fun. When my classmates are studying, Im taking a nap, let alone playing.

In the eyes of the teacher, I am still a disciplined student. As a member of the student union, frequent delays are inevitable, but the homeroom teacher likes to start from here and say, _Yang Wei, do you know what you took in the college entrance examination? Dont spend time idle

In my heart, there is a university that is deeply rooted. When I was very young, I saw on TV the indescribable joy of students who were admitted to that university. Three years from now, I will also take the college entrance examination. Will I be like I am now after the exam? Its hard for me to say, and you cant say for sure that everything is in your own hands.

My ideal university is already a century old one. I know it plays a crucial role in the education industry and has nurtured generations of pillars of our country. I know that ideals cannot be achieved in just one sentence and three minutes of enthusiasm.

I will study hard for my ideals. Not only should we learn knowledge from books, but we should also delve more into extracurricular knowledge. No matter where I study, live, or work in the future, I will strive towards my goals.

I always believe that if you work hard, you may not necessarily achieve success; But without hard work, one will definitely not achieve success.







大学目标英语作文100词 第15篇

My ideal University should have a good style of study, to several known to have friends, but laugh together cry together to discuss academic issues, to some good courses on Professor has a wide, you want to have a vision and to give an actual operation in the future, you want to know about the future direction.

I deal University I can grow, you can have the year I graduated in pride, and know where to go, let me four years later at the time of recall can say with pride, I learned a lot, I am reluctant to leave, good friends and the University made a lifetime of good friends.




