
1.没什么好难过的 失去的都是垃圾

Nothing to be sad about is rubbish.

2.我可以有好脾气 但凭什么惯着你

I can have a good temper, but why do I get used to you?

3.你不用向任何人打听我 因为我对每个人都不一样

You don't have to ask anybody about me because I'm different from everybody.

4.虽说强扭的瓜不甜 可是拧下来 我还是很开心

Although the melon twisted is not sweet, I am still very happy to twist it down.

5.九分喜欢 一分尊严 我可以很爱你 也可以没有你

Nine points like onedignity, I can love you very much or I can't have you.

6.我不会挽留任何一个企图离开我的人 你要走就趁早

I'm not going to keep anyone who wants to leave me, You have to leave as soon as possible.

7.自己喜欢的东西 就不要问别人好不好看

Don't ask others what they like.

8.我不喜欢什么日久见人心 我比较喜欢的是 是人是狗一眼就看清

I don't like what's popular with people over time, What I prefer is that people or dogs can see at a glance.




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