
  Since you don't expect it, it doesn't make sense for me to go over the mountains.


  I can afford to smoke, fight, drink, but I can't afford to lose love.


  How many people, clearly still in love, said to put down, how many people, clearly sad, but also said with a smile that I am very good.



  We are like the needle on the surface, keep turning, while turning, while watching time rush away, but there is nothing we can do.


  Some wrongs are relieved when they are understood; Some pain, endure, pain for a long time has become a habit.


  Once thought that a lot of indispensable people, walking on the scattered, not even a farewell.



  If you don't do what you want to do for a long time, there will be a lot of pressure. When procrastination becomes a habit, exhaustion becomes the norm.


  It's not that I've changed, it's that I'm really powerless. I've given up and I can't move.


  You think you worry about gain and loss, he will heartache, in fact, there is no, only you again and again base again and again take the initiative.



  Don't wait for those who can't wait. Your infatuation can't move a person who doesn't love you



  既然你不期待,那我得翻山越岭也就没有意义了。  Since you don't expect it, it doesn't make sense for me to go over the mountains.  烟我抽得起,架我打的起,酒我喝得起,唯独爱情我输不起。  I can afford......