没有谓语的句子 精选121句

1. (2020﹒江苏)—Do you know anything about Zhang Zhongjing?

2. 考查代词。句意:另一个好处是你不知不觉中学习到了新词和它们的用法。use在此处是名词,故用形容词性物主代词their作定语。故填their。

3. 考查介词。句意:这位艺术家最终被世界上最伟大的艺术家——大自然母亲所折服。结合句意表示“在世界上”短语为on earth。故填on。

4. 词句猜测题。根据下文working out before breakfast may be more beneficial for health than eating first可知,早餐前锻炼可能比先吃饭再锻炼对健康更有益,因此推断这里说的是那些不吃早饭先锻炼的人,因此推断划线词与B项“不吃早饭能应付”意思相近。故选B。

5. (2018·江苏)—What happened? Your boss seems to ___________.

6. —I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.

7. —Would you mind my coming over and having a look at your new garden? My little son’s curious about those roses you grow.

8. 考查连接词。句意:当他问河岸上的村民,他在哪里可以找到这位传奇艺术家时,他们笑着指着河的下游。本句为时间状语从句,表示“当……时候”,且从句中动词asked为短暂性动作动词,不能用while引导,故应用when或as引导。句首单词首字母要大写。故填When/As。

9. 细节理解题。根据第六段的As a result, they burned more fat during walks on an empty stomach than when they had eaten first. On the other hand. they burned slightly more calories(卡路里), on average, during the workout after breakfast than after fasting.可知,结果,他们空腹散步时燃烧的脂肪比他们首先吃东西时所燃烧的脂肪要多。 另一方面。平均而言,他们在早餐后锻炼时燃烧的卡路里略多于禁食后。因此可知,锻炼前吃早饭消耗更多一点的热量。故选B。

10. used to tell someone that what they want is impossible

11. used after sb. has thanked you or said they are sorry for sth.:

12. So what?

13. —Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office?

14. Forget it

15. It doesn’t matter.

16. 考查副词。句意:当小船缓缓地沿着江面移动时,山在水中的倒影使他说不出话来。此处修饰动词moved应用副词gently作状语,表示“缓缓地”。故填gently。

17. Why not? 和isn’t it?

18. —I probably shouldn’t have any more cake.

19. 考查非谓语动词。句意:你自然会在对话中使用这些词汇。learned / learnt作后置定语修饰words,表示“已学过的词”, words与learn是被动的关系,因此用过去分词。故填learned/learnt。

20. 考查非谓语动词。句意:你在阅读一篇有趣的文学故事时增长词汇量。逻辑主语you与动词read为主动关系,故用现在分词reading ... 作状语;也可视为状语从句while you are reading... 的省略形式。故填reading。

21. 考查介词。句意:几个月的记忆锻炼对于余生是不够的。be enough for sth 对······已足够。故填介词for。

22. 推理判断题。根据最后一段The implication of these results is that to gain the greatest health benefits from exercise, it may be wise to skip eating first.可知,这些结果的暗示,为了从运动中获得最大的健康益处,先不吃东西可能更明智。因此推断早饭前的体育锻炼对健康更有益。故选D。

23. I hope you don’t mind me asking, ____________ where did you buy those shoes?

24. —Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?

25. Go ahead

26. —Have you been wasting time on computer games again?

27. A pleasure与With pleasure

28. —I’m sorry I broke your mirror.

29. 考查句子结构和主谓一致。本句中动名词短语“Leaving... tomorrow”在句中作主语,谓语动词使用单数形式,所以使用is。

30. —I’d like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith.

31. —It’ll take at least 2 hours to do this!

32. It’s up to you.

33. used to show that you are happy to help sb. or that sth. will be easy to do:

34. Don’t mention it. 与 You’re welcome.

35. 考查固定搭配。正是因为人们早晨的注意力更为集中,所以我们要早起,要在午饭之前尽可能地高效。短语as...as possible“尽可能……”,故填as。

36. —How about putting some pictures into the report?

37. FF+F-NN

38. 考查非谓语动词。句意:当他看到雾气从河上升起,山顶上乌云环绕,他不禁流下了眼泪。分析句子结构可知,the soft clouds 69 (surround) the mountain tops是独立主格结构做状语,surround在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语clouds构成主动关系,故应用现在分词。故填surrounding。

39. 考查名词单复数。句意:你认为青少年时期几个月的记忆锻炼不够。month为可数名词,且由a few可知month应用复数形式。故填months。

40. really

41. D解析考查情景对话。——句意:我们休息一下喝杯咖啡吧。——你算说对了。我们已经工作好几个小时了。下文说"我们已经工作好几个小时了",上文应该是赞同这个建议。 why bother没有必要;what for为什么;You got me there你把我搞糊涂了;You said it你算说对了,故选D。

42. come on phrasal verb HURRY

43. —Professor Johnson, I’m afraid I can’t finish the report within this week.

44. —Would you do me a favor and give me a ride?

45. (2018·天津)—I’m moving in a few days and I wonder if you could help.

46. ‘Thanks for the ride.’ ‘No problem.’

47. sounds

48. 结合上文Put into words why you feel unworthy, why you don't feel good enough. Now, read these words back to yourself.(用语言来解释为什么你觉得自己不值得,为什么你觉得自己不够好。现在,自己读一下这些话。)和下文的Turn to a page in your journal to your list of strengths and achievements. See how awesome you are? (翻到你日记本上记下你的优点和成就的那页。看到你有多棒了吗?)可推知本句是在说明“再次感到心烦意乱”的情况。选项A. Feeling upset again?(再次感觉心烦意乱了吗?)最合上下文语境,故选A项。

49. 根据本文的中心句Forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made. (原谅自己所犯的错误。)及下文的You will make mistakes, time and time again. (你会一次又一次地犯错误。)可知,本句是在说明要讲自己看作一个普通人,普通人是会犯错的。选项D. Remember, you are only human.(记住,你只是个人。)与上下文衔接最好,故选D项。

50. 考查固定短语。本句是指通过锻炼或做一些你喜欢的事情,让你的身体和思维休息一会。介词短语for a while“一会儿”。故填a。

51. 根据上文List all of your accomplishments and achievements. You have a job, earned your degree, and you got out of bed today.(列出你所有的成就。你有了一份工作,拿到了学位,今天你拜托了困境。)可知,这些小事都是你取得的成就,都值得庆祝,即没有什么事是太小而不值得庆祝的。故选C项。

52. 考查定语从句关系词。句意:通过分析句子结构可知,_______means you'll just keep getting better and better.是定语从句,空白处所填的词指代逗号前的there’s enough room for improvement,which在句中为关系代词,引导非限定性定语从句,并在句中作主语。故填which。

53. (2020﹒天津)—Shall I order a taxi for Sarah to go to the airport tonight?

54. 考查比较级。本空所填之词和and后的比较级less是并列关系,使用相同的比较级形式greater。故填greater。

55. 考查副词。副词通常作状语修饰形容词、副词或动词,形容词通常在句中作定语或表语修饰名词。所以本句中使用副词regularly作状语修饰动词短语take short breaks。故填regularly。

56. Help yourself.

57. That’s OK/ fine/ all right.

58. 考查最高级。句意:一天,皇帝想让人给他画一幅肖像,于是他把所有伟大的画家都请来,展示他们最好的作品,以便他挑选最好的。结合句意,皇帝想要画家最好的作品,表示“最好的”此处应用形容词最高级finest。故填finest。

59. —"Could we put off the meeting?" she asked.

60. How come?

61. (2018·江苏)—You know what? I’ve got a New Year concert ticket.

62. used to tell someone that something is not important and not to worry about it

63. Not really

64. —We’d like you to start work tomorrow if possible.

65. Take your time.与take it easy.

66. —Do you mind if I open the window?

67. No way

68. —Bruce, I really appreciate your handwriting.

69. (2019 • 天津卷 • 单项填空)—I guess you want to go play tennis.

70. fN-nnN

71. 考查非谓语动词。句意:第二天早上,他租了一条船,出发去找这位著名的画家。结合句意表示“出发去做某事”短语为set out to do sth.,后跟不定式做目的状语。故填to find。

72. Come on

73. 考查动词语态。句意:画家确信他会被选中,但是当他把他的杰作送给皇帝的宰相时,这位老人笑了。本句中主语he与谓语动词choose构成被动关系,且would后跟动词原形。故填be chosen。

74. (2019 •天津卷•单项填空)—My son got a full scholarship to his dream university!

75. (2020﹒天津)—Next time you visit Bob, remember to give him a call in advance.

76. Why not do something? 表建议做某事;why do something做某事没有必要

77. 考查名词单复数。本句的谓语动词是show,说明主语是复数名词studies。故填studies。

78. —Oh dear! I’ve just broken a window.

79. (2017·天津卷)—Albert’s birthday is on next Saturday, and I’m planning a surprise party for him.

80. 考查词性转换。句意:你需要一周至少真正读一本书。此处应用副词修饰动词 read,因此填really。

81. (2018·天津)—Wasn’t Joan supposed to be here by now?

82. 考查祈使句。此处表示要保证它是让你释放压力,而不是让你担忧的事。本句是祈使句,要用动词原形。故填make。

83. 细节理解题。根据第三段的They first found 10 overweight and inactive but otherwise healthy young men, whose lifestyles are far better and worse, representative of those of most of us.可知,他们首先找到了10个超重的,不活跃但健康的年轻人,他们的生活方式可以说更好,也可以说更糟,代表了我们大多数人。因此可知,实验时选择的10个人的生活方式代表了普通人。故选A。

84. —Let’s go to a movie after work, OK?

85. 考查名词。句意:怀着好奇心,艺术家收拾行囊离开了。with为介词,后跟名词curiosity作宾语,表示“好奇心”。故填curiosity。

86. —I’m terribly sorry that I made your table cloth dirty.

87. 考查定语从句。句意:中国古代有一位画家,他的画几乎栩栩如生。此处为定语从句修饰先行词artist,且先行词在从句中作定语,故应用关系代词whose。故填whose。

88. 考查形容词最高级。句意:读好书是扩大词汇量最有效的方法之一。此处要表达的是“最有效的方法之一”,因此填most effective。

89. (2017·江苏卷) —What does the stuff on your T­shirt mean?

90. most effective

91. —What a beautiful picture you’ve drawn!

92. How do you find…

93. No problem

94. If you say that someone or something is all right, you mean that you find them satisfactory or acceptable.

95. come on 近义于NOT BELIEVE

96. 根据下文Are you hoping that eventually you will feel empowered because your life is better than theirs? Know that your life is your own; you are the only one in this world.(你是否希望最终你会因为自己的生活比他们的好而感到有力量?要知道,你的生活是你自己的;你在这个世界上是独一无二的。)可知,本段主要讲述不要把自己和别人作比较,因为生活是我们自己的,我们也是世界上独一无二的。故F. Stop comparing yourself with others.(停止把自己和别人进行比较。)可以作为本段中心句,故选F项。

97. NN-nNt

98. used to say ‘no’ or ‘not’ strongly

99. 考查谓语动词。句意:这件事并不像听起来那么难。描述的是一般事实,而且主语为it,因此用sound的一般现在时第三人称单数形式。故填sounds.

100. —Dad! Tom’s broken a glass!

101. FR-ntN

102. —Do you think I could borrow your bicycle?

103. —I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?

104. It’s all right/alright ( also That’s all right/alright ) 不用谢,没关系

105. 考查动词时态。句意:当他问河岸上的村民,他在哪里可以找到这位传奇艺术家时,他们笑着指着河的下游。根据上文they smiled and可知此处应用一般过去时。故填pointed。

106. ‘Can I pay by credit card?’ ‘Yes, no problem.’

107. 根据题目A Few Tips for Self-acceptance(自我接纳的几点建议)及下文的Here's a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction.(这有很多可以帮你找到正确方向的方法。)可知,选项B. Where do you start? (从哪里开始那?)最合下文语境,故选B项。

108. 考查固定短语。句意:如果你找到了喜欢做的事情,你就不太可能把工作带回家去做。be likely to do sth.可能做某事,故填to bring。

109. Not at all

110. —Now, where is my purse?

111. Thank you

112. Never mind

113. FF+N-qN

114. —We need three single rooms for the first week in June.

115. I’m sorry, but…

116. Mind

117. (2017·江苏卷)—Going to watch the Women’s Volleyball Match on Wednesday?

118. 考查名词。句意:首先处理重要的事情,那么你会有成就感。横线前面有介词of,横线上要使用名词achievement作of的宾语,表示“成就感”。故填achievement。

119. 考查冠词。句意:和生活中许多事情一样,积累词汇也是一个不断发展的过程。由语境可知填“一个”,欧宁以元音音素开头, “一个”用不定冠词an表示泛指。故填an。

120. used as a polite reply after someone has thanked you

121. (2019 • 江苏卷 • 单项填空)—Let’s take a coffee break.



没有谓语的句子 精选121句1. (2020﹒江苏)—Do you know anything about Zhang Zhongjing?2. 考查代词。句意:另一个好处是你不知不觉中学习到了新词和它们的用法。use在此处是名词,故用形容词性物主代词their作定语。故填their。3. 考查介词。句意:这位艺术家最......