中考英语情景写句子 精选75句

1. There is _____ in today's newspaper.A.new anything B.new something

2. 点餐

3. —Is there _____ wrong with me,doctor?

4. havenothingtodowith…..与…..无关

5. There _____ a football gam e in our school.A.has B.will have C.will be

6. whatdoyoumeanby….?你….是什么意思?

7. There is _____ knocking at the door.Go and see who it is.A.nobody B.somebody C.anybody D.everybody

8. 问路和应答

9. 表示同意和不同意

10. The letter from my uncle was short.There wasn't _____ news.A.many B.a few C.much D.few

11. Is there anything wrong with your ears?(Yes,there is./No,there isn't.)

12. There wasn't a meeting yesterday,was there?(反意疑问句)

13. too…..to…..太……以致知于不……

14. 祝愿,祝贺和应答

15. 出现以下词,用do填空:

16. 出现以下词,用to do 填空:

17. 词型转换

18. so……that…..如此…..以致知于不……

19. 请求允许和应答

20. 遗憾和同情

21. vent-inventor(人)--invention(物)

22. 问路

23. feellikedoingsth喜欢做某事

24. keepdoingsth继续做某事

25. 谈论天气

26. bebusydoingsth.在忙于做某事

27. 表示感情

28. There will be a volleyball match in our school,_____ ?

29. 生活

30. 邀请和应答

31. 假期&旅行

32. 日常对话

33. carryondoingsth继续做某事

34. There _____ an English Evening next Tuesday.A.was B.will be C.will have D.are going to be

35. 问时间或日期和应答

36. There be句型的考查更多的是将be动词与主语结合在一起进行的,即主谓的一致性。例如:

37. play-player

38. work-worker

39. 学校生活

40. 如果作主语的是一个短语,则常常考查短语中的修饰语。可数名词的复数形式前可以用any,som e,few,a few,m any或用数词 +hundred/thousand/million,hundreds/ thousands/millions of,no等修饰;不可数名词可以受any,some,no,little,a little,much等词的修饰。例如:

41. 求救

42. There are _____ days in a week.A.the seven B.seventh C.the seventh D.seven

43. There aren't two chairs and a desk in the room.(否定句)

44. 国家---国家的(人)

45. There is a desk and two chairs in the room.(紧挨着be动词的主语是a desk,是单数,故be的形式要用is)

46. —Oh,there isn't enough _____ for us in the lift.—It doesn't matter,let's wait for the next.A.ground B.floor C.place D.room

47. teach-teacher

48. 代词的变化:

49. 就餐

50. There is _____ interesting on this channel.Try others.A.nothing

51. 问候

52. 语言困难

53. prefer….to……喜欢…..胜过……

54. 表示天气的词

55. 打电话

56. There is little water in the bottle.(改为反意疑问句)

57. There is som ething unusual on the island.(改为反意疑问句)

58. 要注意句子前后意思的一致性。

59. 告别

60. 注意不定代词的用法。

61. 出现以下词,用doing 填空:

62. 道歉和应答

63. 感

64. 电话用语

65. conduct-conductor

66. use-useful-used

67. 表示方向的词

68. 购物

69. whatdoyouthinkof…..你认为….怎么样?

70. There is going to _____ a report _____ Chinese history in our school this evening.A.have;on B.be;on C.have;for D.be;of

71. care-careful--carefully

72. There are few _____ in the fridge.Let's go and buy som e peas,carrots and cabbages.A.vegetables B.fruit C.meat D.eggs

73. 介绍

74. such…..that……如此…..以致知于不……

75. 表示肯定和不肯定
