正能量的句子经典语句英文 精选45句

1. The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. 教育的伟大目的并非传授知识,而是教人行动。

2. Don\'t watch the clock. Do what it does. Keep going. 不要只看时钟,要效仿时钟,一直前行。

3. Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought. 不要追寻先人的足迹,追寻先人所追寻的吧!

4. Everything you\'ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. 你想要的东西都在恐惧的那一端。

5. For a gallant spirit there can never be defeat. 勇敢的灵魂,永不言败。

6. A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence. 河流可以切碎岩石,并非因其力大无穷,乃是因为坚持不懈。

7. 无论何时何地,都要学会独立行走,它会让你走得更坦然些。

8. In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. 要想成功,我们首先必须相信自己能成功。

9. Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. 思维有限,但我们的想象力能造就无限可能。

10. 别指望所有的人都能懂你英语正能量句子摘抄,因为萝卜白菜,各有所爱。你做了萝卜,自然就做不成白菜。

11. Don\'t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition. 如果不被别人认可,不要担心,要努力让自己值得被认可。

12. Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today. 今天能做的,就不要拖到明天。

13. 不管环境多么纵容你,你都要对自己有要求,保持一种自律的气质。

14. 岁月静好的慢生活,是有资本有底气的自给自足,而不是好吃懒做的得过且过,自欺欺人。

15. Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. 总要竭尽全力。你播种什么,就会收获什么。

16. The real test of good manners is to be able to put up with bad manners pleasantly. 对礼貌真正的考验在于能否愉快地忍受粗鲁。

17. I have just tried to do my very best each and every day. 我每天都竭尽全力做到最好!

18. Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying. 不断尝试的人才能取得成功并且保持成功。

19. Failure is success if you learn from it. 只要能吸取教训,失败也是成功。

20. When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven\'t. 当你已穷尽所有可能性时,要记住:还是有可能。

21. There is a crack in everything. That\'s how the light gets in. 万事万物中都有裂缝,这样光才能照射进来。

22. 追赶不上的不追,不属于自己的不要,挽留不住的不留,生活哪有那么复杂英语正能量句子摘抄?

23. The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas. 找到好点子的最佳办法就是多想点子。

24. Dream is an exciting and alluring place, where everything is achievable. 梦是一个让人激动兴奋的充满诱惑的世界,在梦里的话,不管什么事都做得到。

25. Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation. 永远要把逆境转化为顺境。

26. Life is about making an impact, not making an income. 生命在于影响他人,而非赚钱糊口。

27. 你的好运气藏在你的实力里,也藏在你不为人知的努力里,你越努力,就越幸运。

28. You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. 创新取之不尽用之不竭,越用越多。

29. Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them. 一旦我们接受了自己的极限,就要超越它。

30. Halloween is an opportunity to be really creative. 万圣节前夜是挥洒创意的好时机。

31. 生命的价值在于自己看得起自已,人生的意义在于努力进取。

32. What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. 你今天的付出会让你所有的明天都更好。

33. Success is falling nine times and getting up ten. 成功就是跌倒九次,第十次仍会站起来。

34. Be sure you put your feet in the right place; then stand firm. 让自己的双脚站在正确的位置,然后站稳。

35. 每一天都是全新的一天,都有全新的内容。不要满足于旧日的成果,不要沉湎于往日的磨难。放下过往的一切,全身心投入新的日子。

36. There is nothing impossible to him who will try. 对勇于尝试的人来说,没有不可能。

37. 不管你为谁熬的夜,喝的酒,最后买单的,都是你的身体,没人可以感同身受,别等病了才知道心疼自己,好不好。

38. 做自己的决定,然后准备好承担后果;想得到一样一定会失去另一件东西;痛苦是一个挑战,它让人成长,是进步的一个机会。

39. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. 获得知识并不够,还要去应用;立下志向也不够,还要去行动。

40. The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. 你注定只会成为你决心要变成的那个人。

41. 为了不留下遗憾,人生总要勇敢一次,抛下一切顾虑,去做你真正想做的事。

42. Don\'t limit yourself. You can go as far as your mind lets you. 不要框住自己。你想得有多远,就能走多远。

43. 不管昨天有多风光荣耀,抑或苦涩不齿,都过去了,无可更改,无法再来。唯有重拾心情,重新上路,才是我们今天唯一的抉择。

44. I walk slowly, but I never walk backward. 我走得慢,但从不后退。

45. Just do the best you can. No one can do more than that. 唯有竭尽全力,此外别无他法。



正能量的句子经典语句英文 精选45句1. The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. 教育的伟大目的并非传授知识,而是教人行动。2. Don\'t watch the clock. Do what it does. Keep going. 不要只看时钟......