请求帮助的句子英语 精选31句

1. I'd appreciate it if you could..… 如果你能……我将不胜感激

2. 最常见的句型Could /Would you do me a favor? (你能帮我个忙吗?)

3. I wonder if you could help me with this?

4. Please I really need your help.

5. Could you spare a moment?

6. Do you mind if l ask you a favor? 你介意我找你帮忙么

7. let's have a little talk

8. I'll regard it as a favor if you could come你来我就当你是来帮忙

9. Could youplease + verb结构

10. Lend me a hand with this, will you?

11. Could you help me for a second?

12. May l ask you a favor? 我可以请你帮忙么

13. Wouldyou please help me…… 你可以帮我....…

14. Give me a hand with this, will you?

15. Could I trouble you to…… 我可以麻烦你…..…

16. Need some help!帮帮忙

17. Please拜托

18. Could youpossibly + verb

19. Could I ask /bother / trouble you + infinitive

20. I need some help, please

21. Could you help me out with……

22. I could do with some help, please.

23. I'm begging you 我求你了

24. You could give me a hand.

25. I can't manage. Can you help?

26. Would you mind+ verb + ing

27. 请求帮助asking a favor

28. Can I ask a favour?

29. a little help帮帮忙

30. May I + verb?

31. Would it betoo much trouble for you + infinitive
