
天天正能量网 范文大全 2024-01-25 15:09:54

我的弟弟人物介绍范文英语 第1篇

_ADEFG_ USA _or_ people's Republic of China _CDIO bdpq cido efhilbingo)_ (bingo) _kv_ _I'm me, please follow me, I'm mwho in MelM CD B is an aie (bus, bicycle). Yes, it is neither a penny nor an aie (what color is the car? Guess it is red (black). It is not nose, ears, eyes, legs, hands, arms, fingers, running, walking, sitting, standing, swimming, skating, playing, football, playing basketball, Mike, ketais, he or she) elve (ten) 1) Three and fo sn.

Three is animals. There are fo laws. No, Mikey is a boy.

My name is Mike. I'm 12 years old. I'm in class six, grade three:,,,, a ASC: what can I do for you? C: I'd like to buy a pen.

S: of cose, you're here. C: Oh, how much do I want s: six yuan and fifty cents C: Here's the money s: Thank you,:, 5, 5: here: a: Excuse me, where is the nearest post office B: Go down this street and tn ght at the third tning about 100 meters left a: Thank you very much. B: not at all.

How many people are there in yo family / who are they / how old is yo father / where does yo mother work / where does yo bther study / yo bther likes swimming / does yo bther like his work? AA, BB: A: Hello, B: Hello, it's Lilia: Yes, it's Hi, Jim B: Li Lei, next week God, are you free? I think so. Why B: would you like to go to the park with me? When shall we meet? How about 8:30? Let's meet at the gate of the park a: Goodbye B: goodbye,: P: Good morning, doctor D: Good morning. P: I have a bad headache (cough, fr, fr, sore that, cold) d: how long have you been like this? P: since last night (it has been o days since this morning) d: let me check yo mouth and say ah, P: ah, D: don't worry, maybe you have a cold, a fr, P: what should I do D: take this medicine, you will be well soon (have a good rest, lie in bed, dnk water) P: Thank you.

Goodbye, doctor. D: goodbye.


“”“”“”ADEFG“”或“国”CDIO bdpq CIDO EFHIingo)”(宾果)“”“KV”“我是我,请跟我来,我是MWho在meLM CD 是飞机(巴士,自行车)是,它既不是一便士八便士,也不是一架飞机(汽车是什么颜请猜猜它是红(黑)不是鼻子,耳朵,眼睛,腿,手,胳膊,指头跑,走路,坐,站,游泳,滑冰,玩,足球,打篮球迈克,凯泰斯他(她)十二(十一)三和四七,三是动物有四条法律没有是米凯是个男孩我叫迈克我xx岁我在六班xx年级:,,,,,a ASC:我能为你做什么(:我能帮你吗)C:我想(:我想买)一支钢笔,S:当然,你在这儿C:哦,我要多少钱S:六元五角C:这是钱S:谢谢,:,,5,5,:在这里:A:打扰一下,最近邮局在哪(:这附近有邮局吗:哪条路到最近邮局?)B:沿着这条街走,在第三个拐弯处右拐大约一百米左A:非常感谢B:一点也不,,:你家有多少人/他们是谁/爸多大了/在哪里工作/你弟弟在哪里学习/你弟弟喜欢游泳/你弟弟喜欢他工作吗,AA,BB:A:你好B:你好是李莉亚:是,是嗨,吉姆B:李磊下星期天你有空吗?我想是,为什么B:你愿意和我一起去公园吗?我们什么时候见面?八点半怎么样?我们在公园门口见a:再见B:再见,,:P:早上好,医生d:早上好P:我头痛得厉害(咳嗽,发烧,发烧,喉咙痛,感冒)D:你这样多久了P:从昨晚开始(从今天早上开始,已经两天了)D:让我一下你嘴,说啊P:啊,D:别担心,也许你感冒发烧了,发烧了P:我该怎么办D:吃了这药,你很快就会好(好好吃休息,躺在床上,多喝水)P:谢谢,医生再见D:再见。

我的弟弟人物介绍范文英语 第2篇

A little boy led a donkey past an army camp. Sral soldiers wanted to have a good time with the boy. You're holding yo bther so tight, sonny asks one of them so he won't join the army.

The child answered with a wink.




我的弟弟人物介绍范文英语 第3篇

I'd like to intduce my fend Liu Sanzi. He was born in a village in Gansu Pvince. He is a short and thin man with only ce and short black hair.

He lives with his mother, o sisters and a younger bther. He likes to listen to music and read books. He dpped out of school when he was old and retned to school with the of pject hope.

Now he is a middle school He hopes that one day he can go to university and become a technician.


