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英文求职简历模板范文 第1篇




比如说一个在ABC大学读本科、大学期间有在伦敦政经(London School of Economics)的交换经历的同学的简历,排版一下大概是长这个样子:



这个预计毕业的年月,其实主要是告知招聘官你可以全职入职的时间,这个其实是非常重要的一个信息。很多人会觉得,不知道是否能够按时毕业,所以写上入学的时间,但是其实入学的时间对于招聘官来说,没有太大的意义 。因此这里建议是写上预计的毕业时间,如果碰上延期或提早毕业的情况,那再对简历进行修改或者通知招聘官就好了。

所获文凭和类别主要就是你所在的教育机构或者教育项目给你颁发的文凭种类。例如本科学位就是Bachelor’s Degree,硕士研究生学位就是Master’s Degree。美国的教育很多时候也分文理、工商等等,所以文凭这一块是要写清楚的。

比如说一个本科经济学专业毕业的学生,拿到的是文学学士的文凭,那就可以写Bachelor of Arts in Economics,一个研究生金融专业毕业的学生,拿到的是理学硕士的文凭,那就可以写Master of Science in Finance。具体的文凭种类还是要和学校去核实,因为有可能所投递简历的企业会对你进行背景调查,所以最好还是与未来毕业证书上的官方信息一致。

那么对于一些非文凭类的教育项目,例如交换项目或者暑期项目之类的,就可以写上Study Abroad Program(留学项目)、或者是Exchange Program(交换项目)、或者是Summer Program(暑期项目)。




另外, 很多同学会问可不可以写上专业GPA,也就是所修的专业课程的平均绩点。我觉得如果专业GPA是高于综合GPA的话,写上会比较好,但是如果专业GPA显著低于综合GPA的话,我个人是不建议写。




英文求职简历模板范文 第2篇

Personal Information:

Name:Junjun Du

Date of Birth:July 12, 19xx

Birth Place:Beijing

Sex: Male

Marital Status:Unmarried E-mail:root@jian-li. Nov. 1998- present CCIDE Inc

-as a director of software development and web publishing . Organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) . Summer of 1997 BIT Company

-as a technican , designed various web sites . Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well. Education:

Aug. 1991-Sept. 1996 of Automation, Hainan University, . Achievements & Activities:

President and Founder of the Costumer Committee

Established the organization as a member of BIT

President of Communications for the Marketing Association

Representative in the Student Association Computer Abilities:

Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, javascript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL software English Skills :

Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE: 2213 Others :

Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious na ture and dedication are my greatest strengths

英文求职简历模板范文 第3篇

Name: Gender: female

Date of birth: 1 January 1988

Height: 164 cm

Native: yichang

Residence: yichang

Ethnic composition: han

Political outlook: member

Job types: fresh graduates

Graduate school: hubei university of Chinese medicine

Professional: clinical medicine and medical technology

Mobile phone:

2007 September 2010 to July enrolled in hubei university of Chinese medicine

Work practice experience

practice in yichang second people's hospital.

During the internship, successively in heart medicine, digestion, pediatric, endocrine, breathing, kidney inside, outside general, the brain outside, bone, such as maternity department practice. After nearly a year of serious practice, accumulated a lot of clinical experience,

Self assessment

My firm faith, willpower, strong, honest sincere, can bear hardships and stand hard work, calm and steady personality, steadfast, have a strong sense of responsibility and motivation. The work of conscientious and responsible, things careful meticulous, consider the comprehensive thorough; Can respect teachers, unite classmates, and a strong collective sense of honor; Positive attitude to life, optimistic upward, pay attention to a dull boy; To own request strictly, dare to play dare spelling, and improve their self-cultivation and virtue, wisdom, body, and other comprehensive quality.

英文求职简历模板范文 第4篇

Glenn Gould (1932–1982) is probably my>


1. 若写作时用两个 hyphen (--) 代替破折号,Word 等文书处理软件会自动将其转为em dash。有鉴于 em dash输入不便(Mac 上是 shift + option + -),这也是英文写作通用的替代法。

2. 破折号(em dash)两端可各留一半角空格,亦可不留。此乃英美习惯不同,无对错之分。惟请在同一份简历中保持统一。



英文求职简历模板范文 第5篇



职业技能就是你在职场上所需要用到的一些技能,例如一些工作平台或软件的使用,最基本的就是Office三件套,Word、Excel、以及PowerPoint,这都是老朋友了。稍微专业一点的就是类似于彭博终端、万德、慧博智能等等。其他的就是一些类似于数据分析或者编程所需要用到的R、Python、Java等等 。

专业技能或者专业知识就是跟你所学的专业相关的技能及知识。如果是金融专业的学生,那么专业技能可能就是金融建模(Financial Modeling)、风险控制(Risk Management)、会计(Accounting)、衍生品定价(Derivatives Pricing)等等。由于其他专业的专业知识我个人也不太熟悉,在这里就用金融或者经管类专业做个例子。









临近秋招啦,不少小伙伴都在问我投行咨询等金融求职相关的问题,发现很多困惑和焦虑是共通的,所以小熊决定为大家搭建一个金融求职抱团群,不定期为大家分享最新求职信息,答疑解惑以及分享文中提到的英文简历模板等金融类求职资料。需要的话可以联系我的We/Chat haribotomato。感谢大家对小熊的信任和支持~

英文求职简历模板范文 第6篇

Curriculum Vitae

Name: ******

Gender: Male

Race: Han

Date of Birth: May 28, 1977

Political Affiliation: Party Member

Address:International School, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710038

Telephone: ********** (fixed telephone)********** (cellphone)


Education:20xx—20xx Taiyuan Senior School, Shanxi Province 20xx---20xx Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi ProvinceMajor: Applied English

Language:Chinese and English (both fluent in Listening, speaking, reading and writing)

Main Courses:Intensive Reading, Extensive Reading, Spoken English, English listening, English Grammar, English Writing, Translation

Awards and Scholarships:20xx“Excellent League member”, Jiaotong University;20xx“National Inspirational Scholarship”, Jiaotong University Other Training:


Professional Experience:20xxTutor for a junior middle school student;

Seller of English Weekly 20xxMember of aid education group at college

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| MERRILLLYNCH | EquityResearchSummerAssociate

| BOOZALLEN&HAMILTON | SeniorConsultant

| JPMORGAN | CorporateFinanceanalyst,I




英文求职简历模板范文 第8篇

name: sex don't: female

people family: the han nationality

date of birth: on february 22,

telephone number:13766666666

marriage status: single

body high: 158 cm body weight: 54 kg

education experience

graduate school: fuzhou software vocational and technical college study calendar: junior professional name: civil class engineering cost graduation year: __

job objective

position properties: the whole job

position title: planner,;

treatment requirements: (interview) yuan/month does not need to provide housing

starting time: may at any time to work

skill expertise

language: english class b;

computer level: general

work experience

company: fujian zhuo know project investment consulting co., ltd fuzhou branch

time range: january __ -

the company properties: private/private company

by sector: construction, real estate, property management, decoration

position: civil planner

job description: intern

leaving reason:


i have a bright and cheerful disposition to treat serious and responsible work, sincere, good at communication, coordination has the strong organization ability and team spirit. lively and cheerful, optimistic progress, has the compassion and good at teaching parallel; self-motivated, diligently study can progress their own ability and the comprehensive quality. in the future work, i will with abundant energy, studies assiduously the spirit to work hard, steady progress their work ability, and the company synchronous development.

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English Name: ###

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: January 17th, 1991

Major: English ( about business )

Address: Room 513 Building C7

Telephone: 18#####

Email: 1111111111

Job Objective:

A Position referring English translation, import and export, secretary

Educational background:

20xxto 20xx, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

20xx to 20xx, Middle School of Biyang

Honors and Certificates:

In the year of 20xx, won ^v^The Third Prize of English Contest ^v^of our college

In the summer of 20xx, won the ^v^Advanced individual ^v^of summer social practice In the year of 20xx, won the ^v^Third Level Scholarship^v^of our school

Certificate of Written and Oral of TEM4

Certificate of CET6 and CET4

Social Activities:

In the period 20xx - 20xx, as a Deputy Minister of Quality Development Association , organizing several activities of the quality of development in ordre to let students understand the importance of teamwork in physical exercise.

In the period 20xx- 20xx, participating in the campus culture section of the speech contest.

During the summer of 20xx, having a part time job in a production and packaging of the private company, fully aware of the basic production and packaging procedures, and proficiency in operating .

During the four years constantly serving as a tutor, not only improving the students English scores but also enhancing my English basic skills.


Taking a serious and responsible attitude to work, diligent, steadfast, having a strong learning ability.

Highly skilled in translating materials in many fields such as trade, culture, tourism, science and technology, political and diplomatic.

Capable of performing the interpretation of the general formal meeting or business negotiations.

Skilled using of Office software (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.)

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Name(in pinyin and Chinese):


Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Home Address:

Business Address:

Home Phone:

Work Phone:

Mobile Phone:


Education– please list all degrees attained, beginning with the most recent

Month, Year – Month, Year University Name

Degree and Major

Thesis Topic/Research Focus (for masters and phd degrees)

Work Experience– please list all work experience

Month, Year – Month, Year Employer


Position or Title


Awards and Group Memberships– if any

Publications– please list all publications, if any

Travel History– please list all countries you have visited

Example: .(2002, 2003);Canada(2008, 2009)

Travelling With– please include names of everyone you plan to travel with to the .

英文求职简历模板范文 第12篇

Resume Writing in the Digital Age Writing an eye-catching resume is becoming increasingly difficult as automated search agents increasingly replace the eyes of recruiters. As automation advances, your resume will be read by more computers and fewer people. As a result, using the appropriate key words and proper formatting are critical to securing an interview. The advantage of all the new technology is that you can easily and quickly submit a resume to a wide range of these steps:Your name and address, including e-mail, should appear on the top.

In the experience and achievements section, your employer''s name, your title, and the dates of employment should be clearly displayed. Start with your most recent position. Choosing the appropriate keywords to describe your experience will increase the likelihood of your resume landing on the screen of the recruiter''s desktop. Scan the ads posted on this site and note the language they use to describe the detail of the responsibilities and requirements. Do these words and phrases appear on your resume? You need to think like a the education section, be sure to include your school''s name, your degree or certificate, and your date of graduation. In addition, include any memberships in professional associations or organizations; recruiters sometimes list these organizations as variables in their not include a references tagline, personal data (. birthday, marital status), or resume should be one or two pages in length. When submitting a paper copy, include your name on the top of the second page. Always use a second sheet of paper if your resume is longer than one non-decorative fonts on your resume. Scanners are more accurate with clear distinct characters. A font size of 10-14 is ideal, stick with these white space to make your experiences stand out. Make it easier for the recruiter to follow your professional these steps and you''ll be closer to getting the job!

英文求职简历模板范文 第13篇

Name: xxx nationality: China

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Zhanjiang is: 172 cm 55 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 28-year-old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job

Position: Sales Manager / Director: Foreign Trade with the single / head of the Assistant Executive Officer / General Manager Assistant Manager Assistant / administration of foreign trade with a single garment with a single

Work Experience: 4 Title: High

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - a week

Monthly requirements: 3500 - 5000 hope that the working area: Guangzhou Guangzhou Guangzhou

Personal experience: Tianwaitian Guangzhou Garment Co., Ltd. - with a single high-level foreign trade

Nature: French-owned (headquartered in Hong Kong, the production base located in Guangzhou, Conghua)

Size: 300 or more

Main underwear (shorts, chest, hanging skirts, vests, etc.)

Follow-up customers: Erodif off, Ganty off, Women Cecret off, Well-off, Connel off.

Guangzhou has a Co., Ltd. - with a single high-level foreign trade

Character: Hong Kong-owned (the United States, to set up an office of the Shanghai, Guangzhou-based foreign trade companies)

Size: 100 or more

Main knitted / woven type (T-shirt, jacket, pants, jeans, suit, over coat, brand-wide order to do Europe and the United States, such as QVC, MARRIANE, Tom, JIMMY, etc.)

Main results:

1. An independent follow-up samples and order all the processes to ensure quality goods and delivery:

1. Direct communication with the United States to follow up on customer orders process, including proofing, approved color, pricing, placing an order for materials, outsourcing, production follow-up, JINCANG, so the relevant documents (for example, CONTRACT, PACKLIST, INVOICE, B / L , C / O, ETC.), shipping, handling and shipping after the resolution of the guests complained about the quality of goods there (mostly carried out through daily e-mail communication).

2. Check out the goods under the factory (before / during / end of search); look at factory / stock checking;

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Female, 22,

Education: college

Working lives: fresh graduates

Expected salary: 5000-8000 yuan

Working location: guangzhou - tianhe

Objective: nurse/nursing staff

Work experience (work for 11 months, do 2 job)

Keep on brain hospital

Working hours: between January 2016 and July 2016 [6 months]

Job title: nurse baiyun mountain

Working time: July ** to December ** 5 months

Job title: nurse

Education experience

Graduated in June 2014 Meizhou city health nursing vocational and technical school

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You are good! I am from the hometown of Chinese henan nanyang bing. Zhongyuan more talents since ancient times, in the talented people on the land of the excellent education I received 18 years. I am proud, because I can finally use their talents to interpret the land of the talents; Now Im looking forward to, is you, the future is more audience, to listen to this piece of land to grow nanyangs voice.

I like the flute, like piano, like to use or relieve or loud music to express my love of life, my understanding of the life. And like broadcasting (director) seems to have come from the expression of desire, I hope I can like ni ping with sweat and tears for love ^v^days^v^, would you like to ^v^pain and happy^v^ with bai yansong, understand cui yongyuan ^v^so^v^ behind the pay and the human nature, and stood side by side in the story ^v^frontier^v^ shui junyi, like Huang Jianxiang ^v^like a hero to fight for his ideal.

Realized the true desire to calculate to the heaven. Now, broadcasting (director), is the place where I want to go, I will hold his own dream, stubborn tarried, sincere look forward to. I know, I like a chrysalis, need more hardships and self-motivated, I hope I can get this chance, so as to let himself into the most beautiful butterfly, infinite close to the broadcast chair (director) the brilliance and glory. Thank you very much!

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personal information


height: 178cm

date of birth: jan 10, 1984


marital status:unmarried



work experience

july. __- present

bank sales department, ____ provincial branch,agricultural bank of china.



to provide all retail banking counter transactions to clients and refer sales opportunities to appropriate sales specialist when opportunities are identified .


septmber __-july __

____ uniwersity,packaging engineering.

septmber __-july __

____ senior middle school.

computer abilities skilled use of windows, word, excel, powerpoint, internet.

flexibility in the use of various software for office use and

have a stronger ability to calculate and document processing.

english skills 4 college english test, a certain listening, speaking, reading and writing ability.

others aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths.

references will be supplied upon request.

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an accounting position offering the opportunity to utilize my professional financial expertise,extensive business experience, and ability on a worldwide basis.

summary of qualifications

accountant and administrative manager of mediun-sized motor components manufacturing and distribution company serving national and international markets.

hands-on experience with firm of certified public accountants and auditors.

certified public accountant and auditor.

professional experience

1998 lismore shipping co.,ltd.,loretta,pa


managed,developed,and maintained all aspects of finance,accounting,foreign exchange dealings,marketing,and data processing of company and its overseas offices in london and new york controlled budget,cash flow,and capital expenditure

reviewed, analyzed, and evaluated finances and securities pertaining to advances and shipping for client base of about 200.

established and maintained close relationships with bank executives,auditors,and attorneys,ensuring compliance with all regulatory bodies.

1985-1988 rabino products, meadville, pa


developed and implemented corporate and project-oriented financial strategies.

provided financial overview and leadership for all major operating considerations and activities, including development of business and profit plans.

controlled line management for all accounting,production costing,edp,and financial functions.

1981-1983 mannings,dawe,and bond,pittsburgh,pa


auditor private companies,listed companies,partnerships,and individual businesses.

prepared financial statements and schedules.


university of pennsylvania, philadelphia,pa

bachelor#39;s degree,with major in accountancy,marketing, and business finance,1981

summary of qualifications highlight candidate#39;s strengths.

bullets make resume easy to read.

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To contribute developed customer relations and administrative skills to a challenging in a hotel. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS:Developed interpersonal skills,having dealt with a diversity of clients,professionals and staff members.

Detail-and goal-oriented.

Function well in high-stress atmosphere. Hotel Clerk

Resolved guests reservation input utilizing EECO computer incoming daily reports involving return guests,corporate accounts,and suite WALDEN HOTEL,Walton,KS

Hotel Clerk

Trained telephone,international fax and telex daily and monthly reports tracking demands and guaranteed no-show APTEC computer for inputting group booking and WALDEN HOTEL,Walton,KS

Sales Associate

Assisted best selling novels,and made recommendations to customers. 1983-1985 BETHEL COLLEGE,North Newton,KS


Responsible for general clerical in locating guest speakers. EDUCATION


Bachelor of Science;Sociology,1983 PREFERENCES

Furnished upon customer relations and administrative skills,essential in the hotel/hospitality field,are emphasized throughout the resume.

Education is de-emphasized because candidates work history is strong.

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Mark Twain

7930 Carpenter St, Apt#55

Seattle, WA 98119

Email: twainmark@

Career Objective : Looking for a position as Logistic specialist to utilize my skills and experience in the mentioned filed.

Career Achievements : Received best performer of the year for excelling beyond expectations to meet the standards and requirements and for outstanding customer services

Professional Experience:

Organization: SQL Shipping and Logistics, Washington

Duration: November 2007 till date

Designation: Logistic Specialist

Handled the tasks of sending reports and updates work orders being processed and completed

Performed tasks management, processing of work order, bench stock management and man-hour accounting

Handled the tasks of requesting and issuing DC LX parts, ad hoc reporting and report management

Supported in various maintenance management activities

Conducted monthly inventories and maintains stock

Coordinated with subordinates to ensure accurate service and operation of daily routine on authorized equipments

Organization: SSPL international Logistic Co, Washington

Duration: May 20xx to September 2007

Designation: Logistical Specialist

Supervised 20 employees and conducted weekly reconciliation with maintenance activities

Responsible for monitoring, controlling and performing system administration function for logistic automation system

Responsible for maintaining manual and automated records

Assisted in processing and receiving excess unserviceable and serviceable returns from customer

Responsible for ensuring proper tag of items

Assisted in the oversight of 24 hour control function

Organization: ABC Shipping Co, Washington

Duration: January 2002 to March 20xx

Designation: Operational Logistic Manager

Coordinated and supervised uploading of shipments

Ensured quality control for outbound shipments

Scheduled, hired, trained and supervised staff and volunteers

Responsible for maintaining inventory counts of all products

Handled the tasks of conducting inventories through latest technologies

Coordinated with transportation and environmental departments

Areas of Interest:

Eight years of Progressive experience in the mentioned field.

Expertise in managing incoming and outgoing customer materials

Possess good leadership and management skills

Good communication and interpersonal skills

Inventory management and promotes safety

Goal oriented and problem solving skills

Problem sensitivity and inductive reasoning

Knowledge of standard management policies, methods, procedures and logistic readiness

Advance knowledge of basic computer applications

Educational Summary:

Master of Science in Computer Information System

University of Washington, in the year 2001

Bachelor of Science in computer

Saint Anthony college of Information Learning, Washington in the year 1998

Reference:Will be furnish upon request

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David SmITh

38 Western Street

Boston, MA 10084




Candidate for Master in Business Administration degree, June 1999. Member of Management Consulting, Entrepreneurship, High Tech and New Media, and Business of Sports Clubs.


Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. GPA . Elected dormitory treasurer ($16,000 budget) and athletic chairman.




Summer Intern, International Department

Worked with client teams serving major international paper and industrial products manufacturer.

Analyzed product-costing process. Identified opportunities to improve accuracy of product costs by 5%.

Researched and reformulated procurement strategy for primary raw material input with team members. Constructed model demonstrating potential revenue increase of $15million.

Conducted client interviews and led focus groups as part of initial phase of re-engineering initiative.

Participated in two-week training program composed of 15 summer interns.

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Gender: Female

Mobile: (86) 135****4390 Email:


Responsible, diligent, hard working;

Fluent in English reading, speaking & writing;

Good command in foreign trade, documentary Letter of Credit and shipping;

Skillful with operating Office such as Words, Excel, & Internet.

EDUCATION: speciality

International Trade English, Luoyang technology colleague


Test for English Major Grade 4 (TEM4)


1. November 20xx – nowadays Shoe Premier international Ltd.,

Tang Xia Town, Dongguan City,

main products: kids shoes, Men casual shoes, ladies casual shoes, EVA sandals.

Position: Senior Merchandiser

Take care of the daily communications with France, Spain, UK, Poland, Italy, Romania, Australia customers & job allocation(one assistant), the jobs includes the following:

Quotation: Quote prices according to customers’ requirements/specifications, sometimes need to change materials or construction to meet customers’ target prices, or adjust the construction to the technology/facilities of the factories;

Sample development (200 styles per season), according to the sales from last season, and the fashion guide of next season from France designer, adjust and decide the development of new season. Change and find special styles for each customer in order to meet customers requirement, so that to get good orders from customers.

Follow up salesman samples/confirmation samples/packing details: Place sample orders to sample room, push/assist sample room to finish the salesman/development samples to catch customers’ deadline for selection, arrange confirmation samples for customers’ approval, urge customers to confirm or give comments so that bulk production will be proceeded smoothly, ensure factories got enough time for production;

Order process: in charges of the order placed to three factories in Dongguan, Zhejiang Province, and Cambodia. Check the prices/packing/delivery date when receiving orders from customers, prepare purchase order and details of packing requirements to factories, remind them some points needs to pay special attention, send revised order sheet to factories if something is changed, chase material & production status to ensure good quality/punctual delivery, problem solving for factories when they have difficulties, if issues cannot be solved internally discuss with customers for late delivery or change shipment method. Remind factories to move the production earlier or switch the production site between Cambodia and China factories;

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1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,

(123)-456 7890.


Seeking an entry-level position within the Engineering Department of a manufacturing facility


Castle Island Engineering Works, South Boston, MA

May – Sept 2001

Summer Placement

Performed time studies on each process in a large manufacturing area.

Planned the floor layout for a new automated production line.

Completed Auto-CAD drawings for the Senior Engineer on line layout and ergonomic space-saving concepts.

Identified potential bottlenecks to production, and developed methods to reduce and prevent these impediments to efficiency.

Completed change requests on production procedures and drawings.

Douglas Engineering Co. Ltd., Cambridge, MA

June – Sept 2000

Summer Placement

Completed Auto-CAD drawings of proposed layouts for a large production facility in Boston.

Reviewed production procedures and engineering specs including machine drawings prior to submittal for review in the change process.

Developed and maintained a database for tracking tech files, equipment specs, equipment installation checklists etc.


Boston University, Boston, MA

2000 - Present

BS in Mechanical Engineering, Graduated with Honours.

Boston College, Boston, MA

1999 –2001

BS in Computer Science


Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Auto-CAD and Java.

Participated in a two-week course in Machine Design, Christmas 2000.

Other interests include Aircraft Model making and design, carpentry and tool making.

Hobbies include Football, Hockey, Swimming and Reading.

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464, mortimer st,

lewiston, ma, 65328


willing to work as a computer programmer in the well known it industry.


. (computers) from xyz university, arizona in xx

summary of skills and experience

i am an engineering graduate and have knowledge of implementing software programming skills in designing & developing systems.

pivotal in c, c++, sql, java, html, ms access and photoshop with exposure in windows 9x/ xx / nt.

computer skills

programming languages: c, c++, sql, java, j2ee (servlet, jdbc, jsp)

databases tools: oracle, ms access

operating systems: windows 9x, xp, xx, nt

other skills: photoshop, css, html, flash

additional details

academic projects

banking system using c++

duration: jan 06 to may 06

environment: c++

description: designed and developed banking system for bank involving basic transactions such as debiting or crediting accounts, listing account information of customers, balancing information, editing and deleting accounts etc.

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basic information

name: fan __ sex: female

date of birth :1986-04-12 nationality: han

account is located: current ics: members

highest level of education: undergraduate professional repair by: accounting (certified public accountant)

job intentions

job type: full-time or part-time

position: cashier, accounting, accounting assistant, accounting clerk

hope location: open

ics, hubei institute of certified public accountants professional undergraduate

experience to participate in social practice

1,__ summer in a chain supermarket in yichang, cashiers do, i learned you have to doe, counseling students in a third language and english, his ing laid a foundation.

4,__, in a pharmaceutical company is satisfied, is responsible for day-to-day collection and payment in cash and notes, custody, and the cost of claims, transfer, internal accounting transactions to section confirmed that the cash register in time.

received amunication, and translation have heard that the ability to read and puter capacity

proficiency in merce, and effective use of these resources.


features: a solid professional knowledge, analytical decision-making, management capacity and ability to accept new things; good at analysis and dialectical thinking, a strong organization and coordination capacity; skills, flexibility, good at analysis, the concept of a modern financial management.

self-evaluation: i am careful and meticulous work, with a high sense of responsibility, be good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, being in harmony with the spirit of teamwork, strong analytical and problem-solving skills, quick to accept new things, work to adapt quickly to high-energy initiative various work environment.

英文求职简历模板范文 第25篇

personal information:

family name: YJBYS given name: YJBYS

date of birth: july 12, 1971 birth place: beijing

sex: male marital status: unmarried


work experience:

nov. 1998- present ccide inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .organized and attended trade shows (comdex 99) .

summer of 1997 bit company as a technician ,designed various web sites . designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by frontpage, photoshop and java as well ;


1991 - august 1996 automation, tsinghua university, .

achievements & activities:

president and founder of the costumer committee

established the organization as a member of bit

president of communications for the marketing association

representative in the student association

computer abilities:

skilled in use of ms frontpage, win 95/nt, sun, javabeans, html, cgi, javascript, perl, visual interdev, distributed objects, corba, c, c++, project 98, office 97, rational requisitepro, process, pascal, pl/i and sql software

english skills:

have a good command of both spoken and written english .past cet-6, toefl: 623; gre: 2213


aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment. have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths.

英文求职简历模板范文 第26篇

department manager resume

Saras Resume

Personal Data


Gender: Male


Beijing 10056

Tel: (010)123456789


Career objective

To be employed by a transnational company in Beijing as a department manager.


Guanghua Management College, Peking University, 1998--2002.

Beijing Jingshan School, 1992--1998.


Business Administration

Summer Jobs

1999 Made personnel system reform plans for a large state-owned enterprise in Tianjin.

2000 Participated in planning the restructuring of several medium-sized collective enterprises in the suburbs of Beijing.

2001 Acted as an assistant to the manager of a multinational company in Beijing.

Extracurricular Activities

Captain of the Peking University basketball team from 1998 to 2000.

Won the university calligraphy contest in 1999.

Chairman of the Publicity Campaign

Commission of Peking University of Supporting Beijings application for hosting the Olympics in 2008.

Won the title of anExcellent Leader of the University Student Council in 2002.


CET Band Six in 2000: 93 points

TOEFL in 2001: 658 points

GRE in 2002: 2328 points


Ambitious, honest and reliable, easy to approach


Doing on-line reading and traveling

英文求职简历模板范文 第27篇

Personal Information:

Famlily Name: jianli sky Name: sara

Date of Birth: July 12,1996 Birth Place: Beijing

Sex: Male Marital Status: Unmarried

Telephone: Pager: 1234567


Work Experience:

Nov. 20__- present CCIDE Inc, as a director of softdex 99) .

Summer of 20__ BIT Companyas a technican ,designed various s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing ation,Tsinghua University, .

Achievements & Activities:

President and Founder of the Costumer Committee

Established the organization as a member of BIT

President of Communications for the Marketing Association

Representative in the Student Association

Computer Abilities:

Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL softmand of both spoken and panies, real estate companies engaged in building construction and hotel decoration management.

Career errorobjective

Seek jobs: Building renovation / municipal building

Job Location: Luohu, Futian, Nanshan District, Bao'an Longgang District Pingshan Ne the 1996 civil engineering panies, real estate companies engaged in building construction and hotel decoration management.

Although I have not a very high degree, but, munication skills, but also has extensive experience in construction site management and problem solving skills. Involved in the management of the project has received excellent Guangdong safe and civilized construction residential zone, Shenzhen City, ^v^Five^v^ project and the Shenzhen Municipal Shuangyou engineering and so on. Html_EnCurrentPay: building renovation / municipal construction Expected Salary: 8001-10000 yuan / month current situation: I am fairly satisfied pany Type: Other inaugural Position: Project Management / Quality Engineer

Job Description: Responsible for construction site supervision

Inauguration Company: South China International Industrial City (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Industry: Property Management / business center

Inauguration Date: September 20__ to January 20__ inauguration department: null

Company Type: Other inaugural Position: Project Manager

Job Description: Project Manager (Construction Unit), managing global logistics center of China South City project construction, renovation management (one hundred meters high)

英文求职简历模板范文 第28篇


Nationality: China

Current residence: Guangzhou, China: Han

Domicile: Qingyuan stature: 169 cm kg

Marital status: Single Age: 25

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job

Position: computer software, computer software, other categories:

Work Experience: 3 Job Title: No Title

Job type: Full-time Date Available: Anytime

Salary requirements: Negotiable Desired Location: Guangzhou

Work Experience

英文求职简历模板范文 第29篇







英文求职简历模板范文 第30篇

name: gender: female

age: height: 165 cm

marital status: single address: qingzhoushi

job objective

expect post properties: full-time

expected monthly salary: 1500 ~ XX

expect engaged in post: clerk/secretary, file manager, computer operator, warehouse storage, warehouse administrator, warehouse management, inspector, production clerk

expect engaged in industry: electronic technology/semiconductor/integrated circuit, machinery/equipment/heavy industry, property management/business center, electric/hydraulic/new energy, other industries

education experience

start-stop years: august

the school name: yantai automotive engineering vocational college

professional name: automobile manufacture and assembly technology

degree: college degree

work experience

start-stop date: in november XX

enterprise name: yantai vector battery auto parts co., ltd

in position: quality inspector



英文求职简历模板范文 第1篇对于本科和研究生求职来说,教育经历其实就是高等教育经历,是指你从大学本科开始的所有教育经历,包括本科教育经历、研究生(或更高)教育经历、或者是一些正规的交换项目/暑期项目的教育经历。有一些同学会把高中的教育经历都写进去,通常来讲这样实际上是不符合规范的,招聘官对你的高中教育经历也不会有什么太......